Stay updated with the latest news by following our social media accounts:
Instagram account: @evolution_in_action Facebook: @evoluutiopajat Bluesky: 2025
* We started collaborating in MUUMAA -project. Read more here. Also coming up: School visit to Kaleva High School Online evening for Ulko-opet Ry New materials 2024 * During the autumn semester, our project hosted eleven TET-students * 4.12. School visit to Kuokkala Comprehensive School * 25.11. JYU News published an article about the Winter Story Calendar: * 20.11. School visit to Istunmäki School * 8.11. School visit to Mankola Comprehensive School's science course * 31.10. School visit to Savosenmäki School * 8.10. Material presentation for Central Finland Ulko-opet Ry * 1.10. School visit to Loppi Comprehensive School * 31.9. Researchers' Night in Jyväskylä * 31.9. Researchers' Night in Helsinki * 12.9. JYU News published an article about the Year in Nature Challenge: * 11.9. Northern Finland Environmental Education Days: material presentation for educators * 3.9. Presentation at JYU's new students' evening * 30.8. Year in Nature Challenge launched * 1.8. Workshop and exhibition at SOLU / Bioart Society Helsinki * 18.6. Taidfest in Jyväskylä * 23.5. TET trainee in the project * 18.5. Participation in Yläkaupungin yö * 15.5. Visit to Äänekoski High School (part of a bachelor's research) * 23.5. TET trainee in the project * 10.5. Visit to Martinlaakso High School (part of a bachelor's research) * 17.4. Visit to Puuppola Youth Evening * 11-12.4. School visit to Viitaniemi Middle School * 5.4. Visit to the university's Ecology course at JYU (part of a bachelor's research) * 1.4. School visit to Estonia * 19.3. School visit to Muonio Elementary School * 11.3. and 13.3. School visit to Uurainen School Center * 7.3. Two pupils were visiting to project: "get to know working life" -day (TET-students) * 22.2. School visit to Pieksämäki highschool * 20.2. Symbiosis workshop, Riihimäki's youth services * 7.2. Schoolvisit at Istunmäki's school * 5.2. Pupil was visiting to project: "get to know working life" -day (TET-students) * 31.1. Our project welcomed two BSc-students, who will test the impact of game-based teaching methods on learning, using our teaching materials. So there will be research on our topic! * 1-2/24 We published New Invasive alien species teaching materials (in Finnish). * 25.1. The Night of Science event at the University of Helsinki's Science Corner, Pollinator workshop 2023 * 18.11. Interactive lecture about the Evolution of Dinosaurs for 6-10 years old children at Seinäjoki in collaboration with the Summer University of Seinäjoki. * 31.10 Invasive species workshop at Äänekoski highschool. * 17.10. Pollinator workshop, Riihimäki's youth services * 29.9. Researchers' Night, school workshops (Invasive species and Evolution of Protective Coloration) and evening program both in JYU and Helsinki University. * 20.5. We ran an Evolution of Protective Coloration workshop at Lasten tiedelauantai. * 5. 4. Aposematism workshop with children from Ukrainian community in Jyväskylä, JYU - Department of Biological and Environmental Science. * Mystery of Mycorrhizae memory game can be played at the University of Jyväskylä Natural History Museum. The new Scientist's Chamber self-study workshop space will be on display until 1st of October 2023. * 23. 3. Minisymposium: Engagement in Collective Acts at Lähde-library, Tietoniekka, Jyväskylä. More info. * 22. 3. Open art workshop in Communities of Coexistence exhibition, suitable for whole family, from 4pm to 5pm. Location: Taitoniekka in Lähde-library. * 22. 3. Workshop with Jyväskylä Normaalikoulu 7th graders, Tietoniekka space at University library Lähde, Jyväskylä * 7. 3. Microbial meditation by artist and researcher Riina Hannula, part of the public program of Communities of Coexistence exhibition * 7. – 26.3. Evolution in Action: Communities of Coexistence. Exhibition in Lähde library, Seminaarinkatu 15 B, Jyväskylä. Artists: Riina Hannula, Alma Heikkilä, Melliferopolis (Ulla Taipale and Christina Stadlbauer), Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė. * 1.–31. 3. Evolution in Action team in residency at Writers' house, Keski-Suomen Kirjailijat ry, Jyväskylä * EIA games (Protective coloration game, Resource competition game, Mystery of Mycorrhizae game) can be borrowed from public libraries in Central Finland. 2022 * 1.12. Pollinator-worksop in Tiedekulma klo. 16–19. Helsinki * 10.– 11.10. School workshop in Karstula comprehensive school * 7.10. Workshop for teachers in Munkkiniemi comprehensive school, high school * 30.9. Participating in Researchers' Night in University of Jyväskylä, pollinator workshop & audio walk. Mango animation in Wisdom's programm. * 21.9. Workshop for teacher-students in University of Jyväskylä * 12.–13.9. School workshop in Vaajakumpu comprehensive school * 29.8. and 2.9. School workshop in Kuokkala comprehensive school * 24.8. School workshop in Viitasaari comprehensive school * Bombus Medley audiowalk is installed at Edible Park, Helsinki. You can borrow headsets within opening hours 12-17 Tue-Fri, but park can be visited any time of the day! Address: Mustikkamaanpolku 10, Helsinki. * 18.6. Workshop on Lasten Lauantai in Jyväskylä Lähde library, together with LUMA-center. * 16.6. Biodiversity and Evolutionary history audiowalk is up in Heureka science centre stone park until end of July. Check out the QR-codes in Finnish or English. * 9.6. Bombus Medley audio walk is now installed to Seminaarinmäki, Jyväskylä, also in English! More info about the trail here. * 7.6. We published Who fell the mangotree? package, as part of Communities and Evolution materials. * 1.6. Symbiosis workshop in Elementary school in Desky, Czech Republic. * 1.6. Symbiosis workshop at Tutkitun Tiedon Teemavuosi closing event, Science centre Heureka, Vantaa. * 21.5. Yläkaupungin yö, Jyväskylä. Workshop with Luma-centre in Lähde library, you'll find us at Taitoniekka space between 13 and 16. More info here. * 18.5. Pollinator workshops in Hämeenlinna yhtenäiskoulu. * 21.4. We announced a call for project coordinator position, application deadline 8th of May. Application link in our finnish page. * 29.3. Pollinator workshops at Vaajakummun yhtenäiskoulu, Jyväskylä. * 24.3. Pollinator workshops at Jyskän koulu and Symbiosis workshop at Vaajakummun yhtenäiskoulu, Vihreä Lippu-kerho, Jyväskylä. * 18.2. We updated our Symbiosis materials with new exercises about cooperation between plants and fungi. * 4.2. We published an introduction video about our project. The animation also illustrates how to use our teaching materials. 2021 * 10.12. We published new theme in English: Bombus Medley, with an audio walk and related exercises. * 24. – 26.11. Evolution in Action team having a planning workshop at Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station * 19.11. Symbiosis workshop at Tammirinteen päiväkoti-koulu, Jyväskylä * 13. – 27.11. Our audio nature trails are available in an virtual event ULOS on IN. * 1.10. We published new theme: Symbiosis. * 28.9. Presentation of the work of Evolutionary Biologist for students of Lappeenrannan Lyseo Upper Secondary School (online event). * 24.9. Participating in Researchers' Night in University of Jyväskylä, workshop & audio walk. * 1. – 30.9. Series of Symbiosis workshops in Hyrynsalmi school (in collaboration with Mustarinda) * 24.9. Kimalaiskimara audio nature trail is available (in Finnish) in Seminaarinmäki, Jyväskylä until 3. 6. 2022. * 28.8. Nature Concert Hall event with Bombus hypnorum theme, workshop and audio walk in Punkaharju. * 20.8. Nature Concert Hall event with Bombus hypnorum theme in Kajaani, workshop and audio walk. * 12.7. Taking part in SuomiAreena, discussing at Tiede, Taide ja Nuoret maailman pelastuspaketti event at Allas Sea Pool, Helsinki. * 16.6. Two workshops for teachers in Ulos-Ut-Out, Outdoor learning conference in Finland (online event). * 14.6. Kimalaiskimara audio nature trail is available (in Finnish) in Kajaani until the end of August. * 21.5. Kimalaiskimara audio nature trail is available (in Finnish) in the field of the Finnish Forest Museum Lusto in Punkaharju during the summer. * 7.5. We published new theme (in Finnish): Kimalaiskimara, with an audio walk that is available online. Materials will be published in English in autumn 2021. * 14.4. LUMA StarT: two workshops for students (online event). * 13.4. LUMA StarT: Presentation of our project to teachers (online event). * 8.4. We published the complete text of audio tracks of audio nature trail: Diverse Nature and its Evolutionary History. * 28.1. We published new theme in English: Diverse Nature and its Evolutionary History, with an audio nature trail that is available online. * 28.1. Presentation for students of Lappeenrannan Lyseo Upper Secondary School (online event). * 27.1. Presentation of our project at the Lincoln School of Life Sciences seminar series, University of Lincoln, UK (online event). 2020 * 27. 11. We published new theme (in Finnish): Elonkirjo ja evoluution aikajänteet, with an audio walk that is available online and also can be experienced in Harju area in Jyväskylä until June. Materials will be published in English in early 2021. * 27. 11. Online science lessons for school children in Researchers’ Night * 16. 9. Presentation on our project for teachers of Vantaa (online event) * 8. 6. We published new teaching materials on resource competition. * 7. 6. Insect hotel workshop in community garden Rajská zahráska, Brno, Czech Republic * 28. 5. Insect hotel workshop with Labyrinth elementary school in Brno, Czech Republic * 3. 4. We published remote teaching materials * 5. 3. Annantalo, Helsinki * 3. 3. Jyväskylä University, basic training in ecology and evolution * 24. 1. Kuokkala school, Jyväskylä 2019 * 25.–28.11. Evolution in Action team having a planning workshop at Konnevesi Research Station * Sensory Ecology workshop in October in Annantalo Arts Centre for Children and Youth, Helsinki. * Workshop in Children's University Autumn holiday camp, Jyväskylä. * 22.11. Workshops at Jyväskylä University "Bring your child to work" -day * 21.11. School visit to Huhtasuo school * 19.11. Kuokkala school * 12.11. Norssin lukio * 7.–8.11. Presenting at Response-ability and Creativity at the Time of Environmental Crises -symposium, Jyväskylä * Our materials available also from MAPPA environmental education resource bank: * 27.9. Workshops in Researchers Night, Jyväskylä * 19.-24.8. Participating in ESEB (European Society for the Evolutionary Biology) -congress. Carita Lindstedt's presentation available here: * 5.–7.5. National LUMA-days (2 workshops about how to use our materials) * Presenting in JYU Wisdom lunch colloquium * Animal researcher workshops at Keski-Suomen Luontomuseo (together with Childrens University and Jyväskylä University) * Haapaniemen ala-aste, Jyväskylä * Kirkkoharju school in Kirkkonummi * Jyväskylä Science Museum and Childrens university in Jyväskylä * Moisiovaara school in Hyrynsalmi * LUMA-meeting in Jyväskylä * Luopioinen pre-school * Petäjävesi pre-school in Petäjävesi * Taikalamppu pre-school in Jyväskylä * Biology department in Jyväskylä * Halssila school in Jyväskylä * Kuloinen school in Raisio * Pieksämäki high school visited us in Jyväskylä * Science camp during the autumn holiday in cooperation with the Science museum and Children’s university. * Interactive lecture about the Evolution of Dinosaurs for 6-10 years old children at Seinäjoki (November) in collaboration with the Summer University of Seinäjoki. 2018 * Avaruus-leiri yhteistyössä Lasten ja nuorten yliopiston ja Jyväskylän yliopiston tiedemuseon kanssa * Dinosaurusten evoluutio -luento yhteistyössä Seinäjoen kesäyliopiston kanssa * Kurssi biologian opettajaksi opiskeleville yhteistyössä Jyväskylän opettajakoulutuslaitoksen kanssa * Luopioisten kirkonkylän esikoulu, Pälkäne * Petäjäveden esikoulu, Petäjävesi * Taikalampun esikoulu, Jyväskylä * Pieksämäen lukiolaisten vierailu Biologian laitokselle Jyväskylässä * Halssilan koulu, Jyväskylä * Kuloisten koulu, Raisio * Tutkijoiden yö 2018, Jyväskylä * Yläkaupungin yö 2018, Jyväskylä 2017 * Tikka school * Vaajakummun koulu * Teachers’ education workshops * Researchers’ night * Science Day * Heinolan lukio visited JyU |
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8 / 5 / 2019 Workshop in Moisiovaara school in Kainuu 🐞🦅 How does competition promote evolutionary change? What kind of effects can human impact have on the available resources? We tested a new resource competition game with the Moisiovaara students 🏃, lynx🐱, wolves🐺, bears🐻, foxes🦊 and minks🐹. Also got a chance to experiment how the scientists work on field - and draw a graph from the results. How do the pollinators sense the world and how it has shaped the flower colouration? Experimenting with a pollinator game & ultraviolet reflective bee's vision painting with Moisiovaara school. ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 2 / 4 / 2019
Dinosaur workshop Today we visited Natural History Museum in Jyväskylä and together with small group of small, pre-school age, paleontologists we learned about life on Earth in times of dinosaurs. Did you know that sound of Tyrannosaurus Rex was actually far from loud lion like roaring? 🐊 This week will be full of workshops and also team work with preparing new ones. Exciting! 🐝🐝🐝🐝Greetings from sunny Jyväskylä! ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 12 / 3 / 2019
Workshop in Kirkkonummi How warning colours and camouflage function in the wild? How different species compete for recources and how invasive species can change ecological communities? And who was Quagga?! We explored the sensory environment outside the school, and created new, imaginary plants and insects that would have attracted, or tried to protect against, extinct species.🐴Evolution in action team was on trip 🚊at Kirkkonummi school. ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° |
31 / 10 / 2018
Funding success We are delighted to announce that we just received 96 000 EUR funding from Tieteen Tiedotus Ry! We will use it to make our workshop materials available for everyone and work with artists to develop new tools and methods to teach evolution in primary and secondary schools. We also want to thank ESEB who's Outreach Initiative allowed us to get this project off the ground! ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° |
30 / 10 / 2018
Researcher's Night Thanks to everyone who came to see us at Researcher's Night 2018. It was an amazing evening! ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° |
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Our materials are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License: It means you can use our materials freely, but please remember to always credit our work and mention us whenever you are sharing contents of our project online: Instagram: @evolution_in_action, Facebook: @evoluutiopajat, Bluesky: If you use our materials in teaching, we are happy to hear greetings and feedback. You can tag us on social media or send us an email: [email protected] Evolution in Action logo: jpeg, eps |